16. Identify the products and reactants of cellular respiration.(4 points)%0D%0AReactant of Cellular Respiration%09Product of Cellular Respiration%0D%0Acarbon dioxide gas%09%0D%0AReactant of Cellular Respiration – carbon dioxide gas%0D%0AProduct of Cellular Respiration – carbon dioxide gas%0D%0Aoxygen gas%09%0D%0AReactant of Cellular Respiration – oxygen gas%0D%0AProduct of Cellular Respiration – oxygen gas%0D%0Awater%09%0D%0AReactant of Cellular Respiration – water%0D%0AProduct of Cellular Respiration – water%0D%0Aglucose%09%0D%0AReactant of Cellular Respiration – glucose%0D%0AProduct of Cellular Respiration – glucose

Reactant of Cellular Respiration - glucose

Product of Cellular Respiration - carbon dioxide gas, water, energy