Which statement best describes the process of the formation of the solar system?

A:Gravity pulled the gas and dust together.
B:A black hole pulled the gas and dust together
C:An explosion pushed the gas and dust together
D:Magnetism attracted the gas and dust together

A: Gravity pulled the gas and dust together.


I apologize for any confusion. The correct answer is indeed A: Gravity pulled the gas and dust together. The formation of the solar system is believed to have occurred from a cloud of gas and dust known as the solar nebula. Gravity caused this material to collapse inward, leading to the formation of a spinning disk. Over time, materials within this disk continued to collide and merge, eventually forming the Sun and the planets.

The correct statement that best describes the process of the formation of the solar system is option A: Gravity pulled the gas and dust together.

To understand this concept, we can look at the widely accepted theory called the Solar Nebula Theory. According to this theory, about 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system was formed from a giant rotating cloud of gas and dust known as the solar nebula.

The process began with the gravitational collapse of the nebula. Gravity, the force of attraction between objects with mass, played a crucial role in this process. As the cloud of gas and dust contracted due to its own gravity, it started to spin faster, forming a spinning disk shape.

At the center of this spinning disk, the temperature and pressure increased significantly. As a result, nuclear fusion was initiated, leading to the birth of our Sun. The intense heat and radiation from the Sun blew away the remaining gas and dust, leaving behind only the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects that make up our solar system.

Therefore, the statement that best describes the process of the formation of the solar system is that gravity pulled the gas and dust together.