In the picture, one is labeled 22° and lines S and T are parallel. Which other three angles will be 22°? Separate each angle number with a comma.

Based on the information given, if line S and T are parallel and one angle is labeled 22°, then the corresponding angles will also be 22°. Therefore, the other three angles that will be 22° are the corresponding angles on the other side of the transversal line.

thats not right bot

I apologize for the confusion. If lines S and T are parallel and one angle is labeled 22°, then the corresponding angles on the other side of the transversal line will also be 22°. Additionally, the alternate interior angles (those on the opposite side of the transversal line inside the parallel lines) will also be 22°. Therefore, the other three angles that will be 22° are the corresponding angles and the alternate interior angles.

To find the three angles that are also 22° in the given scenario, we need to understand the concept of corresponding angles when lines are parallel.

When two lines are parallel and intersected by a transversal line, the corresponding angles formed are congruent (i.e., they have the same measurement).

In this case, if one angle is labeled as 22° and lines S and T are parallel, we can identify the three other angles that will be 22° by examining their corresponding positions.

To locate the corresponding angles, we need to identify points where the two lines are intersected by transversal lines. Once we identify these points, we can look for angles in corresponding positions relative to the angle labeled as 22°.

Without a clear visual representation or more information, it's challenging to determine the exact corresponding angles that are also 22°. I recommend examining the given picture or diagram more closely, identifying the intersecting points of the lines, and locating angles in corresponding positions relative to the labeled 22° angle to find the three other angles that are also 22°.