Determine the zero(s) of the quadratic function y =- 5x^2+16x.

• There are no zeros.
• (0,0) (3.2, 0)
• (0,5) (0, 16)
• (-3.2,0)

To find the zeros of the quadratic function y = -5x^2 + 16x, we need to set y equal to zero and solve for x.

0 = -5x^2 + 16x

Next, we can factor out an x from both terms on the right side:

0 = x(-5x + 16)

Now, we have a product of two terms equal to zero. This means that either the first term, x, is equal to zero or the second term, -5x + 16, is equal to zero.

Setting x = 0:
0 = 0(-5(0) + 16)
0 = 0(0 + 16)
0 = 0(16)
0 = 0

Therefore, one of the zeros is x = 0. The corresponding point is (0, 0).

Setting -5x + 16 = 0:
-5x + 16 = 0
-5x = -16
x = (-16)/(-5)
x = 3.2

Therefore, the other zero is x = 3.2. The corresponding point is (3.2, 0).

So the correct answer is: (0, 0) (3.2, 0)