1. A(n)_____ is a change in the position, shape, or size of a figure.

2. A(n) _____ is a transformation in which the preimage and the image are congruent.
3. In a(n)_____, comma all points of a figure move the same distance in the same direction.
4. A(n)______ is a translation followed by a reflection across a line parallel to the direction of the translation.

1. Transformation

2. Isometry
3. Translation
4. Glide Reflection

can you explain?

1. A transformation refers to a change in the position, shape, or size of a figure. It can involve any combination of movement, rotation, reflection, or scaling.

2. An isometry is a transformation in which the preimage (original figure) and the image (transformed figure) are congruent. This means that they have the same shape and size. Isometries include translations, reflections, and rotations.

3. In a translation, all points of a figure move the same distance in the same direction. Think of it as sliding the entire figure without changing its orientation or shape. The distance and direction of the translation are specified.

4. A glide reflection is a transformation that involves a translation followed by a reflection. The translation is along a vector, moving all points of the figure in a particular direction and distance. Afterwards, the figure is reflected across a line parallel to the direction of the translation, resulting in a combination of both translation and reflection. This type of transformation can create mirror images of the original figure.

1. A(n)_____ is a change in the position, shape, or size of a figure.

The answer to the first question is "Transformation." A transformation is an operation that changes the position, shape, or size of a figure. There are several types of transformations, including translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations.

To determine if a figure has undergone a transformation, you can look for changes in position, shape, or size. If any of these aspects are different, then a transformation has occurred.

2. A(n) _____ is a transformation in which the preimage and the image are congruent.

The answer to the second question is "Congruence Transformation." In a congruence transformation, the preimage (original figure) and the image (resulting figure) are congruent, meaning they have the same shape and size. This type of transformation preserves the congruence of the figure.

To identify a congruence transformation, you can compare the preimage and the image. If they are identical in shape and size, then a congruence transformation has taken place.

3. In a(n)_____, comma all points of a figure move the same distance in the same direction.

The answer to the third question is "Translation." In a translation, all points of a figure move the same distance in the same direction. This transformation preserves the shape and size of the figure but changes its position.

To identify a translation, you can look for a figure that has moved without changing its shape or size. You can visualize this movement by imagining sliding the figure in a specific direction by a specific distance.

4. A(n)______ is a translation followed by a reflection across a line parallel to the direction of the translation.

The answer to the fourth question is "Glide Reflection." A glide reflection is a transformation that combines a translation (movement) and a reflection (flipping) of a figure. The reflection occurs across a line that is parallel to the direction of the translation.

To recognize a glide reflection, you can first identify a translation by observing the movement of the figure. Then, check if there is a reflection across a line that is parallel to the direction of the translation. Both components must be present to classify it as a glide reflection.