Ramon makes 33 donuts every 7 hours using a unit rate determine how many whole donuts he would make in 5 hours. Choose from 46,1,23,4

To find out how many donuts Ramon would make in 5 hours, we can set up a proportion based on the unit rate.

Since he makes 33 donuts in 7 hours, the unit rate is 33 donuts / 7 hours.
Let x be the number of donuts he would make in 5 hours. Then, we can set up the proportion:

33 donuts / 7 hours = x donuts / 5 hours

Using cross-multiplication, we can find the value of x:

7x = 33 * 5
7x = 165
x = 165 / 7

Therefore, Ramon would make approximately 23 whole donuts in 5 hours.

Answer: 23