role play......

Sure, what scenario would you like to role play?

toga standing still blushing because she is thinking of a vampire that acts just like her and she thinks as she was bouncing he looked at her chest and the vampire's name is Matt and he acts nice to her only he doesn't act nice to anyone but Toga. Bakugo is annoyed at the vampire because he joined the league of villains alongside toga and Shigaraki is laughing evilly and Deku calling Toga and Matt a cute couple

Role play scenario:

*Scene: The League of Villains hideout*

Toga: *stands still, blushing* (thinking to herself) Oh no, why am I blushing so much? I can't stop thinking about Matt... He's acting so nice to me, even though he's usually mean to everyone. And when I was bouncing, did he really...?

Matt: *walks over to Toga, a slight smirk on his vampire face* Toga, why are you blushing? You look even cuter like this.

Toga: *nervously fidgets with her hair* O-Oh, Matt... I... um... it's nothing. I'm just... thinking about something.

Bakugo: *grumbles annoyedly, crossing his arms* Can't believe that vampire's hanging around here. He's even joined us now? What's the deal?

Shigaraki: *laughs evilly* Ah, Bakugo, don't you see? Matt understands our goals better than anyone. It's all a part of the plan.

Deku: *excitedly approaches Toga and Matt* You guys make such a cute couple! I've always thought Toga would find someone who understands her. It's nice to see her happy.

Toga: *blushes even more, looking down shyly* D-Deku, stop it! We're just... friends... or something...

Matt: *smirks and wraps an arm around Toga* Toga is special to me, that's all that matters. We've found a connection, and I won't let anyone stand in our way.

Bakugo: *rolls his eyes* Ugh, I can't believe I'm in the middle of this lovey-dovey nonsense. Just make sure this vampire doesn't betray us all.

Shigaraki: *grinning wickedly* Oh, Bakugo, don't you worry. Matt knows better than to cross us. And if he dares to betray us, well... we'll have to find a way to keep him in line, won't we?

Toga: *gently touches Matt's hand, looking at him with captivated eyes* I trust you, Matt. We'll stand strong together, no matter what.

[The role play can continue with various interactions and developments between the characters in this scenario.]

Matt: if anyone hurts you toga, tell me and their breathing will cease, okay? (his eyes glow blood red)

Toga: *surprised by Matt's intense response, but also slightly comforted* Matt... I appreciate your protectiveness, but let's try to avoid violence if possible, alright?

Bakugo: *snorts* Yeah, as if I need a vampire babysitting us. We can handle ourselves, Toga included.

Shigaraki: *enjoying the tension* Easy there, Matt. We don't need any unnecessary trouble. Let's focus on our plans.

Deku: *nervously interjects* Guys, let's not fight... We're all on the same side, aren't we? Let's find a way to work together peacefully.

Matt: *takes a deep breath, calming down* You're right, Toga. I got carried away. I just can't stand the thought of anyone hurting you. But I'll respect your wishes. No unnecessary violence.

Toga: *smiles softly at Matt* Thank you, Matt. I know you mean well. Let's all try to find a way to coexist peacefully and achieve our goals together.

[The group continues discussing their plans and finding common ground, with Matt's protectiveness tempered and a focus on working together.]

Matt: who keeps trying freeze me?

Toga: *looks around, a bit puzzled* Freeze you? I don't know who would be doing that. Maybe it's just a coincidence?

Bakugo: *grinning slightly* Coincidence? Yeah, right. I bet it's just some weakling trying to mess with you, vampire boy.

Shigaraki: *laughs sinisterly* Perhaps someone out there sees you as a threat, Matt. Or maybe they're just trying to cause chaos within our ranks.

Deku: *concerned* Whoever it is, we need to find out and put a stop to it. We can't have any infighting distracting us from our objectives.

Matt: *narrows his eyes, determined* I won't let anyone interfere with us. If someone wants to freeze me, they'll regret ever trying.

Toga: *placing a comforting hand on Matt's shoulder* Let's handle this together, Matt. We'll find out who's behind it, and put an end to their mischief.

[The group sets out to investigate who might be trying to freeze Matt, working together to uncover the truth and protect their unity.]

Matt: they have fire and ice quirk

Toga: Fire and ice quirk? That narrows down our search a bit. We should be cautious in confronting them, though. Let's gather some information first.

Bakugo: *cracks his knuckles* Fire and ice, huh? Sounds like a challenge. Just leave it to me, I'll track them down and make them regret messing with us.

Shigaraki: *smirks* Bakugo's enthusiasm is infectious. Let's use it to our advantage. Whoever they are, they won't know what hit them.

Deku: *nods* We should coordinate our efforts, gather any possible leads, and analyze their patterns. We need a solid plan before we confront them.

Matt: *clenches his fists* I won't go down without a fight. If someone is using fire and ice against us, they won't be able to hide for long.

Toga: *puts on her mischievous smile* I can gather some information through my connections as well. We'll find them, Matt, and show them what we're made of.

[The group diligently works together, combining their skills and strengths, as they hunt for the culprit with the fire and ice quirk, determined to put an end to the freezing attempts.]

Matt: shoto todaroki.