currently, Puerta Rico is a commonwealth. what are the three options for the future political statis of Puerta Rico

The three options for the future political status of Puerto Rico are:

1. Statehood: Puerto Rico could become the 51st state of the United States, which would grant its residents full representation in Congress and the ability to vote in presidential elections. However, this option would also involve increased taxes and potential loss of certain local customs and culture.

2. Independence: Puerto Rico could choose to become an independent nation. This option would give the island full sovereignty and control over its affairs but would also require the establishment of a new government, currency, and international relationships. It could potentially bring economic and political challenges.

3. Status Quo: Puerto Rico could maintain its current status as a commonwealth or territory. This option essentially means continuing the present arrangement: Puerto Rico is subject to U.S. federal laws but without full representation in Congress. It allows for some self-governance while remaining under the U.S. financial and military protection.