1. Read this sentence from Passage 1.

A charismatic leader can draw people like moths to a flame.

Which ONE idea below is developed by the comparison made in this sentence?

APeople are attracted to leaders who have charisma.
BPeople are not attracted to leaders who have charisma.
CLeaders with charisma are mostly introverts.
DLeaders with charisma are mostly extroverts.

APeople are attracted to leaders who have charisma.

2. Passage 2 includes a diagram. For which ONE of these sentences does the diagram provide the BEST supporting detail?

A“An introvert directs his energy internally (thought), and an extrovert directs his energy outwardly (socially).”
B“Most people fall somewhere in between the two.”
C“For a long time, it was believed that extroverts made the greatest leaders.”
D“Introverts are fantastic listeners.”

A“An introvert directs his energy internally (thought), and an extrovert directs his energy outwardly (socially).”

3. Which introvert and extrovert qualities of great leaders are mentioned in Passage 2 but NOT in Passage 1?

Ameticulous/risk taker
Bcreativity/listening skills
Ccharisma/calm serenity
Dcommitment/quiet confidence

Bcreativity/listening skills

4. Based on BOTH passages, what claim is made about introverts as listeners? Use at least ONE detail from EACH text to support your answer. Write your answer in the space provided. Remember to clearly reference the texts.

Based on both passages, the claim made about introverts as listeners is that they are fantastic listeners. In Passage 1, it is mentioned that introverts have a quiet confidence that allows them to listen carefully and take in information. This is supported by the statement, "Introverts are fantastic listeners." In Passage 2, it is stated that introverts direct their energy internally (thought) and this inward focus may enhance their listening skills. The passage also highlights that introverts are more likely to process information before speaking, which suggests that they carefully listen and consider what others are saying. Therefore, both passages imply that introverts possess strong listening skills.