(From "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" and "An Island of Questions", Illuminate)

Question: Which sentence tells us something that the authors do not agree on? (1 point)

A. In the late 1880s, about a hundred individuals resided on Easter Island.
B. At some point, approximately 7,000 people inhabited Easter Island.
C. Easter Island can be found in the center of the Pacific Ocean.
D. Challenges related to food and farming likely contributed to the decrease in Easter Island's population.

(From "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" and "An Island of Questions", Illuminate)
Question: How do the facts in "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" and "An Island of Questions" differ from each other? (1 point)

A. In "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale," it says Europeans brought diseases that harmed people on Easter Island, but "An Island of Questions" says Europeans never came there.
B. "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" gives answers to the island's mysteries, while "An Island of Questions" only asks questions.
C. "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" tells us how the island got its name from a European explorer and talks about their influence, but "An Island of Questions" doesn't mention European exploration
D. In "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale," it says the forests disappeared because people cut down all the trees to move the statues, but "An Island of Questions" blames rats, who ate seeds that would have helped new trees grow.

(From "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" and "An Island of Questions", Illuminate)
Question: Which statement expresses a central idea in "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale"? (1 point)
A. The population of Easter island had declined to about 100 people by 1887.
B. Europeans enslaved many of Easter Island's healthy inhabitants.
C. Easter Island's original inhabitants may have wasted their resources.
D. The Polynesian name for Easter Island refers to its location.

(From "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" and "An Island of Questions", Illuminate)
Question: From paragraph 6 of “An Island of Questions”, read this sentence."No one was carving statues anymore, and the society was dominated by fighting clans."What does the word dominated most likely mean as used in this sentence? (1 point)
A. Failed to notice
B. Towered above
C. Freed
D. Taken over

The sentence that tells us something that the authors do not agree on is:

B. At some point, approximately 7,000 people inhabited Easter Island.

The facts in "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" and "An Island of Questions" differ from each other in the following way:
C. "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" tells us how the island got its name from a European explorer and talks about their influence, but "An Island of Questions" doesn't mention European exploration.

The central idea expressed in "Easter Island: A Cautionary Tale" is:
C. Easter Island's original inhabitants may have wasted their resources.

In the sentence "No one was carving statues anymore, and the society was dominated by fighting clans," the word dominated most likely means D. Taken over.