why did they have the constitutional convention in the first place?

a. To amend the articles of confederation.

b. To change the Constitution.

c. To create the Constitution

d. To create the Articles of Confederation.

c. To create the Constitution

What did the Northwest Ordinance make illegal in the Northwest Territory?

a. Admission of new states.
b. Religious freedom.
c. Trial by Jury.
d. Slavery.

d. Slavery.

"Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled."

-Articles of Confederation, Article II

Use the passage to answer the question. According to the excerpt, who had more power under the Articles of Confederation?

a. It gave the majority of the power to the national O government, and limited the power of individual states.
b. It gave the majority of the power to the individual.
c. states, and limited the power of the national government.
d.It gave the majority of the power to the British monarchy, and limited the power of the national govemment.
e.It gave the majority of the power to the Congress, and limited the power of individual states.

c. states, and limited the power of the national government.

The correct answer is: a. To amend the Articles of Confederation.

The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was initially called to amend the Articles of Confederation because many of the delegates believed that it was not working effectively in governing the newly formed United States. The Articles of Confederation, which had been in place since 1781, created a weak central government and gave most of the power to the individual states.

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention soon realized that amending the Articles of Confederation would not be sufficient to address the problems facing the country. Instead, they decided to create an entirely new document—the United States Constitution. The Constitution would establish a stronger central government with separate powers divided between the federal government and the states. The convention engaged in intense debates and compromises, ultimately shaping the framework of the modern United States government.

Therefore, while creating the Constitution was not the initial purpose of the Constitutional Convention, it became the primary objective, resulting in the drafting and production of the document that would serve as the foundation for the American government.