How did advancements during the Gupta period transform mathematics?(1 point)ResponsesThey invented algebra.They invented algebra.They created the concepts of square numbers and square roots.They created the concepts of square numbers and square roots.They developed a decimal system with a numeral for zero.They developed a decimal system with a numeral for zero.They made progress in metallurgy.They made progress in metallurgy.

The Gupta period of Indian history, which lasted from approximately 320-550 CE, saw significant advancements in mathematics. One major transformation was the creation of the concepts of square numbers and square roots. The Gupta mathematicians understood the concept of multiplying a number by itself to get a square, and also developed ways to find the square root of a number. This laid the foundations for later developments in algebra.

Additionally, the Gupta mathematicians made significant progress in developing a decimal system and introducing a numeral for zero. This decimal system, combined with the concept of zero as a placeholder, revolutionized mathematics and had a profound impact on computation and mathematical representation. It enabled more efficient calculations and the representation of larger numbers.

While metallurgy advancements did occur during the Gupta period, they were not primarily responsible for transforming mathematics. The most significant contributions during this period were in the fields of algebra, square numbers and roots, and the decimal system with a numeral for zero.

can you pick one

Certainly! One major advancement during the Gupta period that transformed mathematics was the development of a decimal system with a numeral for zero. This innovation revolutionized mathematics and computation by providing a standardized way to represent numbers and introducing the concept of zero as a placeholder. This decimal system, which is the foundation of the numeral system used worldwide today, enabled more efficient calculations and made it possible to represent larger numbers accurately.

which is the answerrrrr

The answer is: They developed a decimal system with a numeral for zero.

nder whose reign did the Gupta empire reach its greatest size?(1 point)ResponsesChandragupta MauryaChandragupta MauryaChandra Gupta IChandra Gupta ISamudra GuptaSamudra GuptaChandra Gupta II

Under the reign of Samudra Gupta, the Gupta Empire reached its greatest size.