A skateboard ramp has a 168 degree entry angle. Find the measure of angle 1

The angle of a skateboard ramp entry is typically measured with respect to the horizontal surface. Since the entry angle is given as 168 degrees, we can assume that angle 1 is the angle formed between the skateboard ramp and the horizontal surface.

The sum of the angles in any triangle is always 180 degrees. In this case, the triangle is formed by angle 1, the right angle (90 degrees), and the angle formed by the skateboard ramp (168 degrees). Thus,

angle 1 + 90 degrees + 168 degrees = 180 degrees


angle 1 = 180 degrees - 90 degrees - 168 degrees

angle 1 = 180 degrees - 258 degrees

angle 1 = -78 degrees

However, angles cannot have negative measures. Therefore, it is not possible to have an angle 1 of -78 degrees in this scenario.