Prosper means the economies succeeded or did well. increased trade, the growth of wealthy city-states, and an interest in classical ideas and styles, one factor is: Their development of advanced concepts, techniques and use in production, investment, finance, economic development, and etc. This helped them with the way they had lived their lives. The Umayyads moved the capitol from Medina to Damascus. They also embraced open commercial and trade markets, promoted the arts and sciences, and established a strong internal infrastructure. make this short and to the point and make it sound like a 7th grader

Prosperity means doing well economically. This happened because they traded more, rich cities grew, and they liked classical stuff. One reason for their success was that they came up with new ideas and ways to make things, invest, and develop the economy. This made their lives better. The Umayyads changed the capital from Medina to Damascus. They also liked trade and markets, supported arts and science, and made strong roads and buildings.