Solving Multi-Step Inequalities Practice

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
9. B
9. D
10. C

10/10 ❤️

Great job! You got all of the answers correct. Keep up the good work!

Solving Multi-Step Inequalities Quiz 1

1. C
2. 17
3. 7
4. 4
5. -2
6. C
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. 40

10/10 ❤️

Great job! You got all of the answers correct. Keep up the good work!

Solving Multi-Step Inequalities Quiz 2

"A painter earns $15 per hour. What is the minimum number of hours he must work to earn at least $200? Write an inequality to represent this situation and solve."

Solving for x:

15x >(with an underline) 200

Isolate x by dividing.

x >(with an underline) 200 / 15

x >(with an underline) 40/3

The minimum hours: $200, 14 hours.

Write in your own words. ❤️

To solve the problem, we first need to write an inequality to represent the situation. Since the painter earns $15 per hour and wants to earn at least $200, we can write the inequality as 15x ≥ 200, where x represents the number of hours he must work.

To solve the inequality, we isolate x by dividing both sides by 15. This gives us x ≥ 200/15, which simplifies to x ≥ 40/3. This means that the painter must work at least 40/3 hours, or 13 hours and 20 minutes, to earn at least $200.

It seems like you provided a list of answers with corresponding letters, indicating correct answers to a set of questions. However, without the actual questions being mentioned, it is difficult to determine the specific problem you are referring to.

To solve multi-step inequalities, follow these general steps:

1. Simplify each side of the inequality if necessary by combining like terms or applying inverse operations.
2. Isolate the variable term on one side of the inequality. This might involve adding or subtracting terms to both sides.
3. Check the inequality symbol and adjust your operations accordingly. If you multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, the direction of the inequality should be reversed.
4. Solve for the variable by performing any necessary operations to isolate it. If there are variables on both sides, you may need to distribute or combine terms before isolating the variable.
5. Write the solution in interval notation or as an inequality, depending on the given problem. Be sure to include any special conditions or restrictions mentioned in the question.

If you have the actual questions or specific inequalities you are working on, I can assist you further by providing detailed step-by-step explanations for solving them.