What freedom was guaranteed in South Carolina Constitution written in 1778

The South Carolina Constitution written in 1778 guaranteed several freedoms, including:

1. Freedom of religion: The constitution allowed individuals the right to freely exercise their religious beliefs without interference from the state.

2. Freedom of the press: The constitution protected the freedom of the press, ensuring that individuals could publish their opinions without censorship or persecution.

3. Freedom of speech: Individuals were granted the right to freely express their thoughts and opinions without fear of government repression.

4. Right to trial by jury: The constitution guaranteed that individuals accused of crimes would have the right to a fair and impartial trial by a jury of their peers.

5. Protections against unreasonable searches and seizures: The constitution protected individuals from arbitrary searches and seizures of their property without a warrant or probable cause.

6. Right to bear arms: The constitution recognized the right of individuals to keep and bear arms for self-defense.

These freedoms were intended to safeguard individual liberties and ensure a democratic system of government in South Carolina.