Physical properties of minerals such as color, hardness, luster, and streak are used to determine what about a mineral?

Question 1 options:





Question 2 (2 points)
Provided is a chart of the Mohs Hardness Scale.

Using the Mohs Hardness Scale, determine which mineral can
scratch othoclase feldspar.

Question 2 options:





The physical properties of minerals such as color, hardness, luster, and streak are used to determine the identity of a mineral.

In question 2, according to the Mohs Hardness Scale, quartz can scratch orthoclase feldspar.

Physical properties of minerals such as color, hardness, luster, and streak are used to determine what about a mineral?

Question 1 options:





The physical properties of minerals such as color, hardness, luster, and streak are used to determine the identity of a mineral.

Mrs. Dodge's class is studying minerals. Mrs. Dodge wants her class to complete a test to find out the color of minerals found in

certain rocks. Which test does Mrs. Dodge want her class to complete?

Question 3 options:

Smell test

Taste test

Streak test

Hardness test

Mrs. Dodge wants her class to complete the streak test to find out the color of minerals found in certain rocks.

Which of the following statements about resources is correct?

Question 5 options:

Nonrenewable resources do not cause pollution.

It takes thousands of years to replace renewable resources.

Nonrenewable resources can be replaced within the average human lifespan.

Renewable resources can be replaced at roughly the same rate in which they are used.

The correct statement about resources is: Renewable resources can be replaced at roughly the same rate in which they are used.