What can recorders be made of?

Recorders can be made of various materials, including:

1. Wood: Traditionally, recorders were made using different types of woods like rosewood, maple, boxwood, and pearwood. Some high-quality and professional instruments are still made from carefully selected, seasoned wood.

2. Plastic: Plastic recorders are commonly used for beginner and intermediate players due to their affordability and durability. They are typically made from materials such as ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) plastic.

3. Resin: Resin recorders are made from synthetic substances like synthetic resin or acrylic. They offer a more affordable option compared to wood recorders and can produce a similar sound quality.

4. Metal: Rarely used for traditional recorders, metal recorders are considered more modern versions. They are usually made from materials like brass, silver, or gold-plated brass.

5. Ivory: Historically, ivory was used to produce highly prized recorders; however, due to issues related to the protection of endangered species, it is now illegal to use ivory for recorder production.

6. Bamboo: In some traditional folk music cultures, bamboo recorders are used. These instruments are made by hollowing out bamboo stalks and adding finger holes.

It's important to note that the material used to construct the recorder can affect its sound quality, playability, and overall durability.