The swimming pools are one of those extra features that can contribute to the "make" factor when the owner is selling the house. The Problem Solving and Modelling Task (PSMT) aims to utilise variety functions such as trigonometry, exponential, and polynomial functions to custom-design a unique pool for a specific backyard that has been specified. The equations were sketched and checked by a graphic calculator and Desmos (Desmos, 2023). The purpose of this report aims to derive the development and evaluation of the model using related mathematical techniques to successfully ensure client requests about pool size and create an aesthetic appeal consisting of a condition of carter for families of all types. Adhering to a 1:2 ratio, the pool’s surface must be within a 5% margin of error relative to the allocated backyard space. rat his out of 10

I would rate this statement a 7 out of 10.

The statement provides a clear explanation of the purpose of the report, which is to develop and evaluate a model for designing swimming pools using mathematical techniques. It also mentions the use of various mathematical functions and verification using graphic calculators and Desmos.

However, there are a few areas that could be improved. The statement mentions the "make" factor when selling a house, but it doesn't further explain what this means or why swimming pools contribute to it. Additionally, the statement mentions creating an aesthetic appeal and catering to families of all types, but it doesn't provide any further explanation or context for these goals. Lastly, the use of the 1:2 ratio and the 5% margin of error is mentioned, but it is not clear how these factors relate to the overall model development and evaluation.

Overall, the statement provides a good overview of the purpose of the report but could benefit from further clarification and explanation of certain points.