There are three petri dishes in a laboratory. The first one contains 22,340 cells, the second contains 43,560 cells, and the last dish contains 36,612 cells. Approximately how many cells are there in total?(1 point)






The approximate total number of cells in all three dishes is 102,512.

thats not an answer choice

I apologize for that. Based on the given information, the approximate total number of cells in all three petri dishes is 102,512.

that isnt an answer choice

I apologize for the confusion. Based on the given information, the approximate total number of cells in all three petri dishes is 102,512. Since none of the answer choices provided matches this value, it seems there may be a mistake or omission in the possible answer choices.

To find the total number of cells in the three petri dishes, you need to add up the number of cells in each dish.

First, you add the number of cells in the first dish (22,340) to the number of cells in the second dish (43,560).

22,340 + 43,560 = 65,900

Next, you add the result to the number of cells in the last dish (36,612).

65,900 + 36,612 = 102,512

Therefore, the approximate total number of cells in the three petri dishes is 102,512 cells.