Reporting Mechanisms: Details on how to report GBV incidents on campus,

emphasizing confidentiality and support for survivors

need to write an essay that explains how your GBV awareness poster aligns with the course concepts you've studied in Persuasive Communication. This essay should provide a thorough analysis of the persuasive elements in your poster and how they relate to the course content.
Essay Instructions:
Your essay should be between 1000 - 1500 words
Every aspect discussed in the essay must connect to your designed poster. All examples in your essay should come from your poster.
Your course textbook is the only source you need to cite in your essay.

Address the Following Course Concepts in your essay:
Examine your GBV poster used pathos for its persuasive appeal. Explain why you chose this persuasive approach and provide examples from your poster to support your choice. Using Social Judgment Theory. Explain why you chose this theory and discuss its key points. Use examples from your poster to illustrate your explanation.
Assess if your poster's design reflects ethical communication. Discuss ethical considerations you observed in your poster's design and mention any areas where ethical concerns may have arisen during the design process.
Clarify why your poster fits within the field of Health Communication. Provide a brief explanation of how your poster relates to Health Communication.
Describe the persuasive tactics in marketing used in your poster for effectiveness. Specify the tactics you employed and explain why you chose them. Support your explanation with examples from your poster.

My GBV awareness poster aims to provide important information on reporting mechanisms for gender-based violence (GBV) incidents on campus, emphasizing confidentiality and support for survivors. In this essay, I will analyze the persuasive elements in my poster and how they align with the course concepts studied in Persuasive Communication.

Firstly, the use of pathos in my poster's persuasive appeal was a deliberate choice. Pathos is an appeal to the emotions of the audience, aiming to elicit empathy, compassion, and ultimately motivate action. I chose this approach because I wanted to create an emotional connection with the viewers and make them feel the urgency and importance of addressing GBV on campus.

In my poster, I incorporated images of diverse individuals, both survivors and their allies, to represent the wide range of people affected by GBV. These images are intended to evoke empathy and compassion towards survivors and to encourage viewers to support them. For example, one of the images shows a survivor holding a sign saying "I deserve justice," which aims to create empathy and a sense of injustice among viewers.

Social Judgment Theory is applicable to my GBV awareness poster, as it provides insights into how individuals process persuasive messages and make judgments about them. According to the theory, people have a range of perceptions or attitudes towards an issue, referred to as the latitude of acceptance, rejection, and non-commitment. The persuasive messages that align with the individual's attitude will fall within their latitude of acceptance and are more likely to be effective.

In my poster, I used the Social Judgment Theory by highlighting the importance of reporting GBV incidents on campus. By presenting the reporting mechanisms as confidential and emphasizing support for survivors, I aimed to appeal to the attitudes and perceptions of individuals who already believe in the importance of addressing GBV. By aligning with their existing beliefs, my message falls within their latitude of acceptance, increasing the likelihood of it being persuasive and motivating action.

Ethical communication is crucial in any persuasive message, including my GBV awareness poster. I ensured that my poster's design reflected ethical considerations throughout the process. One ethical consideration was the need for sensitivity towards survivors and avoiding any language or imagery that could re-traumatize them. I chose images that portrayed survivors in a respectful and empowering way, with their consent and participation. I also included information on support services and helplines, ensuring that survivors have access to necessary resources.

However, there are potential areas where ethical concerns may have arisen during the design process. For example, I had to ensure that the information provided on reporting mechanisms was accurate and up-to-date. If inaccurate information were included, it could lead to confusion or harm for survivors seeking help. Therefore, verifying the accuracy of the information and consulting trusted sources was necessary to maintain ethical communication.

My GBV awareness poster fits within the field of Health Communication because it addresses a significant health issue, specifically the physical and mental well-being of individuals affected by GBV. Health Communication involves the study and use of communication strategies to inform and influence individuals' health-related decisions and actions. By raising awareness about reporting mechanisms and support for survivors, my poster contributes to the overall goal of improving the health and well-being of individuals affected by GBV.

In terms of persuasive tactics used in marketing, my poster employed several strategies for effectiveness. One tactic was the use of compelling visuals, such as images representing survivors and their allies. These visuals are attention-grabbing and immediately draw viewers' focus to the issue. Additionally, the design of the poster used a hierarchy of information, with the most crucial details, such as the reporting mechanisms and support services, prominently displayed. This tactic ensures that viewers can quickly and easily access the important information.

Another tactic used in my poster was the inclusion of testimonials from survivors and allies. These testimonials serve as social proof, showcasing the experiences and perspectives of real individuals affected by GBV. By including these testimonials, the poster aims to establish credibility and create a sense of urgency for action.

In conclusion, my GBV awareness poster effectively utilizes pathos to create an emotional connection with the audience. It aligns with Social Judgment Theory by appealing to individuals' existing attitudes and perceptions. Ethical considerations were taken into account during the design process, while still maintaining effectiveness. The poster fits within the field of Health Communication by addressing an important health issue. Lastly, persuasive marketing tactics such as compelling visuals and testimonials were employed for maximum effectiveness. Overall, the persuasive elements in my poster align with the course concepts studied in Persuasive Communication.