Your team has been asked to design the prototype (wireframes) for a coffee ordering mobile

application that has the following features:
A user should be able to log in with a username, password, GitHub, or Google and should be
directed to a screen that contains images of at least five different types of coffee.
 A user should be able to click on an image and be taken to a new screen that allows the user to
order the coffee by displaying the price of the coffee and asking for:

o The delivery address.
o The delivery date.
o A payment method on a payment gateway.
Finally, the app should display an “Order complete” screen confirming the order details.
 Research the Apache and MIT licensing modules and decide on a Software License for your
potential software.

Based on the given requirements, we will design the wireframes for the coffee ordering mobile application. Here are the wireframes for each of the screens described:

1. Login Screen:
- Username input field
- Password input field
- Login with GitHub button
- Login with Google button
- Login button

2. Coffee Selection Screen:
- List of images representing different types of coffee
- Clickable image thumbnails

3. Coffee Order Screen:
- Selected coffee image
- Coffee price
- Delivery address input field
- Delivery date input field (calendar/date picker)
- Payment method selection (options for payment gateway)
- Order button

4. Order Complete Screen:
- Confirmation message for order completion
- Order details (coffee type, price, delivery address, delivery date, payment method)

For the software license, we recommend using the Apache License 2.0. The Apache License is a permissive license that allows users to freely use, modify, distribute, and sublicense the software. It also provides legal clarity and protection for both the software creators and users. The MIT License is another popular choice that offers similar benefits, but it would ultimately depend on your team's specific requirements and preferences.