Create an upper secondary standard based lesson plan on elements of the periodic table

Title: Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table

Subject: Chemistry

Grade Level: Upper Secondary (11th or 12th grade)

Duration: 2 class periods (90 minutes per period)

Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the organization and structure of the periodic table.
2. Identify and differentiate between elements based on their atomic number, atomic mass, and symbol.
3. Analyze the trends and patterns within the periodic table, including periods, groups, and periodicity.
4. Apply knowledge of the periodic table to predict properties and behavior of elements.

- Periodic table posters or handouts
- Student worksheets
- Computers or tablets with internet access
- Projector or smartboard


Day 1:

1. Introduction (10 minutes)
- Explain the importance of the periodic table in chemistry.
- Ask students if they have any prior knowledge of the periodic table and invite them to share.

2. Elements and the Periodic Table (15 minutes)
- Provide each student with a copy of the periodic table.
- Discuss the basic structure of the periodic table: periods (horizontal rows) and groups (vertical columns).
- Explain that the rows represent the energy levels or electron shells, while the columns represent similar characteristics and properties.
- Emphasize that the order of elements in the periodic table is based on their atomic numbers.

3. Physical Properties (20 minutes)
- Discuss the physical properties of elements listed on the periodic table, such as atomic symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass.
- Explain that the atomic symbol represents an element's shorthand notation, while the atomic number represents the number of protons in its nucleus.
- Clarify the concept of atomic mass as the weighted average of all naturally occurring isotopes of an element.

4. Classifying Elements (30 minutes)
- Divide students into small groups.
- Assign each group a specific group or family from the periodic table.
- Instruct each group to research and create a presentation on the commonalities and unique characteristics of the elements within their assigned group.
- Allocate time for each group to present their findings to the class.

Day 2:

5. Trends and Patterns (30 minutes)
- Review the organization of the periodic table and its relationship to the electron configuration of elements.
- Discuss the concept of periodicity, i.e., how certain properties repeat and change predictably across periods and groups.
- Highlight some common trends such as atomic size, ionization energy, electronegativity, and metallic character.

6. Predicting Element Properties (20 minutes)
- Engage students in a hands-on activity by providing them with blank periodic table worksheets.
- Instruct students to predict the physical and chemical properties of specific elements based on their location in the periodic table.
- Encourage students to justify their predictions by referring to periodic trends and patterns.

7. Recap and Wrap-up (15 minutes)
- Review the highlighted concepts from the lesson.
- Allow time for students to ask questions and seek clarifications.
- Assign a homework task requiring students to research and write a short essay reflecting on the importance of the periodic table in various scientific disciplines.

- Evaluate student comprehension through class participation, group presentations, and completion of the periodic table worksheets.
- Review the student's essays on the importance of the periodic table for further understanding and assessment.

Note: Adapt the lesson plan as per the curriculum and time constraints of your educational setting.