doug travels 7mph less than 2 times as fast as Eric. starting at some point and traveling the same direction, they are 238 miles apart after 7 hours. find their speeds

Let's say Eric's speed is represented by x mph.

According to the information given, Doug travels 7 mph less than 2 times as fast as Eric. So, Doug's speed is (2x - 7) mph.

Distance traveled by Eric in 7 hours = x * 7 = 7x miles.
Distance traveled by Doug in 7 hours = (2x - 7) * 7 = 14x - 49 miles.

Since they are traveling in the same direction, the difference in distance would be the distance traveled by Doug minus the distance traveled by Eric.

238 = (14x - 49) - 7x.
238 = 14x - 49 - 7x.
238 = 7x - 49.
238 + 49 = 7x.
287 = 7x.
x = 287/7.
x = 41.

Therefore, Eric's speed is 41 mph.

Doug's speed = 2x - 7 = 2 * 41 - 7 = 82 - 7 = 75 mph.

So, Eric's speed is 41 mph and Doug's speed is 75 mph.