This Must be written in an 11 grader point of view with no outside sources

in 8-10 senetnces

Good literature is timeless. Does “The Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe still have relevance to us? Why or why not? Make sure to use specific details from the story to support your answer.
Written Response Guidelines
R = Restate the Question. (Change the original question into a statement.)
A = Answer the Question. (Some questions can have more than one part, so make sure to fully answer it all!)
C = Cite Text Evidence. (Include quotes and examples to support your answer.)
E = Explain what it Means. (Tell me how your quote supports your answer.)
*Essay Questions are Open Book, so you can use your textbook/literature, but no other outside sources.* (16 points)

R: "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe still has relevance to us.

A: Yes, "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe still has relevance to us.
C: In the story, the Red Death is described as a deadly disease that causes its victims to die quickly and violently.
E: This is relevant to us because we are currently living through a global pandemic, where a deadly disease, COVID-19, is causing people to die quickly and violently.
C: The Prince builds a fortress-like palace and invites his wealthy friends to hide from the Red Death.
E: This is relevant to us because during the pandemic, people have been advised to stay in their homes and practice social distancing to protect themselves from the virus.
C: The masked figure representing the Red Death manages to enter the palace and kills all the guests, regardless of their wealth or social status.
E: This is relevant to us because it shows that no one is immune to death, regardless of their wealth or social status. In the face of a deadly disease, everyone is vulnerable.
C: The story also explores themes of fear and mortality.
E: This is relevant to us because the pandemic has brought about feelings of fear and reminds us of our mortality. It forces us to confront our own vulnerability and the reality of death.
C: Finally, the story ends with the realization that no one can escape death.
E: This is relevant to us because it serves as a reminder that death is inevitable and that we must confront and accept our mortality.
C: Overall, "The Masque of the Red Death" continues to be relevant to us as it explores themes of disease, fear, mortality, and the inevitability of death, which are all part of our current reality during the pandemic.

Can that be summed up in complete sentences 8-10

Yes, "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe is still relevant to us. In the story, the Red Death is described as a deadly disease, similar to the current global pandemic caused by COVID-19. The Prince's actions of building a palace and inviting his wealthy friends to hide from the Red Death reflect the advice given to stay at home and practice social distancing during the pandemic. The masked figure representing the Red Death entering the palace and killing all the guests, regardless of wealth or social status, shows that no one is immune to death. The exploration of themes of fear, mortality, and the inevitability of death in the story resonates with our current reality during the pandemic. Overall, the story's depiction of disease, fear, and mortality makes it still relevant to us.

R: Yes, "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe still has relevance to us.

A: This story is relevant because it explores themes of death, the inevitability of mortality, and the consequences of trying to escape death. It also addresses the idea of privilege and the consequences of ignoring the suffering of others.
C: For example, in the story, Prince Prospero invites only his wealthy and privileged friends to his castle, shutting out the rest of the population from the safety and protection he offers.
E: This highlights the theme of privilege and the consequences of ignoring the suffering of others, as those outside the castle are left to face the Red Death without any help or protection.
C: Additionally, the constant presence of the Red Death, which is described as a highly contagious and deadly disease, serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death.
E: This reminds us that no matter how protected we think we are, death will always catch up to us in the end.
C: Moreover, the symbolism of the seven rooms, each representing a different stage of life, reinforces the idea that death is inevitable and inescapable.
E: This symbolism forces us to confront our mortality and serves as a reminder that we cannot escape the clutches of death, no matter how much we try.
C: Lastly, the story raises questions about the nature of time and how it affects our perception of life and death.
E: The clock that strikes each hour serves as a constant reminder of the passing of time, further emphasizing the fleeting nature of life and the inevitability of our eventual demise.
In conclusion, "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe remains relevant to us as it explores themes of death, privilege, and the passage of time. Through specific details in the story, we are reminded of our own mortality and the consequences of attempting to escape death.