Solve the system of two linear inequalities graphically.

4x+7y<−28 x≥−3
Find the region with points that satisfy both inequalities. Select the region you wish to be shaded A, B, C or D

First, let's graph the inequality 4x + 7y < -28.

To graph this inequality, we can start by graphing the line 4x + 7y = -28. To do this, we can rewrite the equation in slope-intercept form as y = (-4/7)x - 4.

Next, we need to determine which side of the line to shade. Since the inequality is less than, we shade the side of the line that does not contain the origin.

Now, let's graph the second inequality x ≥ -3.

Since x is greater than or equal to -3, we shade the region to the right of the line x = -3.

Looking at the graph, the region that satisfies both inequalities is region D, which is the overlapping region shaded in the graph.

Thus, the region to be shaded is region D.