Identify and describe two systems that interact with the digestive system to deliver nutrients to cells. Describe how they work together to perform this job.

Two systems that interact with the digestive system to deliver nutrients to cells are the circulatory system and the endocrine system.

1. Circulatory System: The circulatory system, which includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood, plays a crucial role in delivering nutrients from the digestive system to cells throughout the body. After digestion and absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, the circulatory system transports these nutrients through the bloodstream to various cells and tissues. The small intestine absorbs nutrients in the form of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients enter the bloodstream through the capillaries in the intestines and are carried away by the veins. The blood then circulates throughout the body, delivering nutrients to cells as needed.

2. Endocrine System: The endocrine system, comprised of glands that secrete hormones, also participates in nutrient delivery. One significant gland of the endocrine system that interacts with the digestive system is the pancreas. The pancreas produces and releases insulin, a hormone that plays a critical role in regulating blood glucose levels. After the digestion of carbohydrates, especially sugars and starches, glucose enters the bloodstream. When the blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas secretes insulin, which signals cells to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and use it as a source of energy or store it for later use. Insulin ensures that cells, especially muscle and adipose tissue cells, receive the necessary glucose for energy, promoting the internal delivery of nutrients to cells.

In summary, the circulatory system delivers nutrients absorbed by the digestive system to cells throughout the body via the bloodstream, while the endocrine system, particularly the pancreas, regulates blood glucose levels to ensure cells receive the required nutrients. Both systems work together to deliver nutrients to cells, supporting their proper functioning and overall bodily health.