Other systems interact with the digestive system to maintain homeostasis. One system moves food through the digestive system so that it can be broken down into nutrients through mechanical digestion. Another system then delivers those nutrients from the digestive system to the rest of the body. Select TWO systems which are responsible for these interactions.

10 points
A. nervous
B. immune
C. muscular
D. excretory
E. respiratory
F. cardiovascular

The systems that interact with the digestive system to maintain homeostasis are the muscular system and the cardiovascular system.

Whats the answer

The correct answer is C. muscular and F. cardiovascular

The two systems responsible for interacting with the digestive system to maintain homeostasis are the muscular system and the cardiovascular system.

The muscular system is responsible for moving food through the digestive system so that it can be broken down into nutrients. The contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles in the digestive tract helps propel food along the digestive system. For example, peristalsis is the coordinated muscle contractions that push food through the esophagus and intestines.

The cardiovascular system, on the other hand, plays a role in delivering the nutrients from the digestive system to the rest of the body. After nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream from the small intestine, the cardiovascular system transports these nutrients to the cells and tissues throughout the body. This is accomplished through the pumping action of the heart, which circulates the blood carrying the nutrients.

Therefore, the correct options are:

C. muscular system
F. cardiovascular system