choose the best translation of the english phrase

the area of asphere with radius 4 inches in length

la superficie de una esfera con radio de 4 pulgadas

why is it in spanish can u make it english

I apologize for the confusion. Here is the translation in English: "The surface area of a sphere with a radius of 4 inches in length."

To find the best translation of the English phrase "the area of a sphere with radius 4 inches in length," we need to understand the mathematical relationship involved.

First, let's break down the phrase:
- "the area" refers to the surface area of the sphere.
- "of a sphere" indicates that we are looking for the surface area of a sphere.
- "with radius 4 inches in length" specifies that the radius of the sphere is 4 inches.

Now, the formula to calculate the surface area of a sphere is:
Surface Area = 4πr²

- π (pi) is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 3.14159.
- r is the radius of the sphere.

To find the translation, we need to express this formula in mathematical terms. Here are some possible translations:

1. Spanish: El área de una esfera con radio de 4 pulgadas de longitud.
2. French: L'aire d'une sphère avec un rayon de 4 pouces de longueur.
3. German: Die Fläche einer Kugel mit einem Radius von 4 Zoll Länge.

Remember, the translation may vary slightly depending on the specific conventions and terminology used in different languages.