Which of the following was the original purpose of the Bill of Rights?

(1 point)

to give the people their natural rights
to give the people their natural rights

to restrict the power of the national government
to restrict the power of the national government

to restrict the power of state governments
to restrict the power of state governments

to list civil rights that would apply to all people

to list civil rights that would apply to all people

Which of the following is the name of the interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment that requires states, in addition to the federal government, to follow the Bill of Rights?

(1 point)

Federalism Doctrine
Federalism Doctrine

Supreme Doctrine
Supreme Doctrine

Incorporation Doctrine
Incorporation Doctrine

Civil Liberties Doctrine

Incorporation Doctrine

The original purpose of the Bill of Rights was to list civil rights that would apply to all people. If you are wondering how to get this answer, you can start by understanding the historical context of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights refers to the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution, which were added in 1791.

During the drafting and ratification of the Constitution, there were concerns raised about the potential for a centralized government to infringe upon the rights of individuals. In order to address these concerns and ensure the protection of individual liberties, the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.

To confirm the original purpose of the Bill of Rights, you can refer to primary sources such as the debates and discussions that took place during the Constitutional Convention and the subsequent ratification process. Additionally, you can consult reputable historical texts and resources that provide insights into the intentions of the Founding Fathers when drafting and implementing the Bill of Rights.