Discuss mamokgethi phakeng's transformational leadership style

Mamokgethi Phakeng is known for her transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership is a leadership style that motivates and inspires followers to achieve their full potential and surpass their own expectations. This style is characterized by charismatic and visionary leadership, as well as an emphasis on personal development and growth.

Phakeng's leadership style is marked by her ability to inspire and motivate her team. She possesses strong communication skills and is able to clearly articulate her vision and goals, which helps to align her team's efforts towards a common purpose. She actively engages with her team members, seeking their input and valuing their contributions, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.

One of the key aspects of Phakeng's transformational leadership is her focus on personal development. She places a high priority on mentorship and actively seeks opportunities to develop her team members professionally. She encourages them to reach their full potential by providing ongoing support and guidance.

Another characteristic of Phakeng's transformational leadership is her ability to create a positive work environment. She is known for her approachability, open-mindedness, and genuine care for her team members. This creates a sense of trust and psychological safety, enabling her team to take risks, be innovative, and think outside the box.

Phakeng also shows strong emotional intelligence as a transformational leader. She is aware of her team members' strengths and weaknesses and is able to provide the necessary support and coaching to help them grow. She is empathetic and understanding, treating her team members with respect and dignity.

Overall, Mamokgethi Phakeng's transformational leadership style is characterized by her ability to inspire, motivate, and empower her team. Through her visionary leadership, focus on personal development, and positive work environment, she creates a culture of growth and success.