Anna Maria need to convert the scale drawing from a scale of one box equals 4 inches to a scale of one box equals 2 inches the width in the scale drawing shown is three boxes what will be the width of the new drawing

If one box in the original scale drawing equals 4 inches, then a width of three boxes would be 3 * 4 = <<3*4=12>>12 inches.

To convert the scale to one box equals 2 inches, we divide the original width by the scale factor: 12 inches / 4 inches = <<12/4=3>>3 boxes.

Therefore, the width of the new drawing will be 3 * 2 = <<3*2=6>>6 inches.


A : 1.5
B: 6
C: 9

The width of the new drawing will be 6 inches. Therefore, the correct answer is option B: 6.

To find the width of the new drawing, we need to calculate the ratio between the two scales and apply it to the width of the original scale drawing.

The ratio between the two scales is determined by dividing the new scale (2 inches) by the old scale (4 inches):

Ratio = New Scale / Old Scale = 2 inches / 4 inches = 1/2

Now, we can apply this ratio to the width of the original scale drawing, which is given as three boxes. Multiply the width of the original scale drawing by the ratio to find the width of the new scale drawing:

Width of New Drawing = Width of Original Drawing × Ratio
= 3 boxes × 1/2
= 3/2 boxes

Thus, the width of the new scale drawing will be 3/2 boxes.