Find a reasonable domain and range for the function. Then graph the function.

A car can travel 30 mi for each gallon of gasoline. The function ​d(x)x represents the distance​ d(x)=30x, in​ miles, that the car can travel with x gallons of gasoline. The​ car's fuel tank holds 10 gal.

The domain of the function would be the range of possible values for x, which in this case would be the number of gallons of gasoline. Since the car's fuel tank holds 10 gallons, the domain would be [0, 10].

The range of the function would be the set of possible distances the car can travel, which is represented by the function d(x) = 30x. The car can travel 30 miles for each gallon of gasoline, so the range would be [0, 300].

To graph the function, we would plot points on a graph where the x-coordinate represents the number of gallons of gasoline (x) and the y-coordinate represents the distance in miles (d(x)). The graph would be a straight line with a slope of 30, passing through the point (0,0) and (10, 300).

Here's the graph:

![Graph of d(x) = 30x](