Which of the following describes an instance of legal hacking?

A. Security hacking is never legal
B. Penetration testing for a company
C. Grey hat hacking
D. Looking for security risks on a product that is excluded from a bug bounty program

B. Penetration testing for a company

Are you 100% sure i can’t get this question wrong

I apologize if my previous response gave you that impression. While option B, "Penetration testing for a company," is generally considered a form of legal hacking, it is important to note that the other options mentioned in the question also have specific contexts where they might be legal or illegal. For example, grey hat hacking (option C) refers to hacking activities that fall somewhere between ethical hacking and malicious hacking, and could potentially be illegal depending on the actions taken. Similarly, hacking a product excluded from a bug bounty program (option D) could be illegal if unauthorized access or damage is caused. It is always important to operate within the legal boundaries and obtain proper authorization before engaging in any hacking activities.

To determine which option describes an instance of legal hacking, we can analyze the given choices:

A. Security hacking is never legal: This option can be dismissed as it states that security hacking is never legal, which is incorrect. There are legitimate cases where hacking activities, performed with proper authorization and under specific conditions, are considered legal.

B. Penetration testing for a company: Penetration testing is a legal form of hacking where individuals or organizations are hired to actively evaluate the security of a system, network, or application to identify vulnerabilities. This involves attempting to exploit weaknesses to assess and improve the overall security posture of the system. Therefore, this option correctly describes an instance of legal hacking.

C. Grey hat hacking: Grey hat hacking is a term used to describe hacking activities that fall somewhere between ethical and unethical. While not necessarily illegal, it involves probing systems or networks without proper authorization or explicit permission. As such, it does not accurately describe a fully legal hacking instance.

D. Looking for security risks on a product that is excluded from a bug bounty program: This option pertains to finding security risks on a product that is not included in a bug bounty program. Although it may not fall specifically under the scope of a bug bounty program, searching for security risks on any software or product as a responsible disclosure or vulnerability research is considered legal and ethical.

Based on this analysis, the option that describes an instance of legal hacking is B. Penetration testing for a company.