Rewrite the following sentence adding quotation marks where needed: Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech continues to inspire the quest for equality.

"Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech continues to inspire the quest for equality."

Rewrite the following sentence adding quotation marks where needed: Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech continues to inspire the quest for equality.

"Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech continues to inspire the quest for equality."

What is a summary and what needs to be included in it?

A summary is a brief and concise overview of a longer text, speech, or event. In a summary, you need to include the main points or central ideas of the original piece, while omitting unnecessary details or supporting examples. The goal of a summary is to provide a condensed version of the original content, capturing its essence and allowing readers to quickly grasp the main message or argument. It is important to avoid personal opinions or interpretations in a summary and instead focus on presenting an objective and accurate summary of the original material.

a little shorter please

A summary is a condensed overview of a longer text, speech, or event including only the main points or central ideas.

what should be in a summary

A summary should include the main points or central ideas of the original text, speech, or event while omitting unnecessary details or supporting examples. It should provide a concise overview that accurately captures the essence of the original content. It is important to present an objective summary without personal opinions or interpretations.

"Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech continues to inspire the quest for equality."