Which is the best definition of a summary?(1 point)


a brief statement of the main points of a piece of writing

a retelling of a story using words similar to the original words

a detailed analysis of the themes and symbols in a story

an introductory description that ends with a hook

a brief statement of the main points of a piece of writing

What is an objective summary?(1 point)


a one- or two-paragraph review or recommendation of a piece of writing

a list of the desires and goals of each major character in a story

a brief description of the main points of a text that uses only information from the text

a thoughtful critical evaluation of a work of literature

a brief description of the main points of a text that uses only information from the text

That Spot

by Jack London

I don’t think much of Stephen Mackaye any more, though I used to swear by him. I know that in those days I loved him more than my own brother. If ever I meet Stephen Mackaye again, I shall not be responsible for my actions. It passes beyond me that a man with whom I shared food and blanket, and with whom I mushed over the Chilcoot Trail, should turn out the way he did. I always sized Steve up as a square man, a kindly comrade, without an iota of anything vindictive or malicious in his nature. I shall never trust my judgment in men again. Why, I nursed that man through typhoid fever; we starved together on the headwaters of the Stewart; and he saved my life on the Little Salmon. And now, after the years we were together, all I can say of Stephen Mackaye is that he is the meanest man I ever knew.

"That Spot" by Jack London

Use the excerpt from the story “That Spot” to answer the question.

Which is an objective summary of this paragraph?

(1 point)

The narrator used to be close to Stephen Mackaye but now considers him a horrible person.

The Chilcoot Trail was famous as a difficult pass for gold prospectors in the Klondike.

The narrator no longer thinks of Stephen Mackaye despite having spent much time with him.

The Klondike gold rush often sowed hatered and discord between those who had previously been freinds.

The narrator used to be close to Stephen Mackaye but now considers him a horrible person.

That Spot

by Jack London

There are times when I think it wasn’t stupidity. Maybe, like some men I know, he was too wise to work. I shouldn’t wonder if he put it all over us with that intelligence of his. Maybe he figured it all out and decided that a licking now and again and no work was a whole lot better than work all the time and no licking. He was intelligent enough for such a computation. I tell you, I’ve sat and looked into that dog’s eyes till the shivers ran up and down my spine and the marrow crawled like yeast, what of the intelligence I saw shining out. I can’t express myself about that intelligence. It is beyond mere words. I saw it, that’s all. At times it was like gazing into a human soul, to look into his eyes; and what I saw there frightened me and started all sorts of ideas in my own mind of reincarnation and all the rest. I tell you I sensed something big in that brute’s eyes; there was a message there, but I wasn’t big enough myself to catch it. Whatever it was (I know I’m making a fool of myself)—whatever it was, it baffled me. I can’t give an inkling of what I saw in that brute’s eyes; it wasn’t light, it wasn’t color; it was something that moved, away back, when the eyes themselves weren’t moving. And I guess I didn’t see it move, either; I only sensed that it moved. It was an expression,—that’s what it was,—and I got an impression of it. No; it was different from a mere expression; it was more than that. I don’t know what it was, but it gave me a feeling of kinship just the same. Oh, no, not sentimental kinship. It was, rather, a kinship of equality. Those eyes never pleaded like a deer’s eyes. They challenged. No, it wasn’t defiance. It was just a calm assumption of equality. And I don’t think it was deliberate. My belief is that it was unconscious on his part. It was there because it was there, and it couldn’t help shining out. No, I don’t mean shine. It didn’t shine; it moved. I know I’m talking rot, but if you'd looked into that animal’s eyes the way I have, you’d understand. Steve was affected the same way I was. Why, I tried to kill that Spot once—he was no good for anything; and I fell down on it. I led him out into the brush, and he came along slow and unwilling. He knew what was going on. I stopped in a likely place, put my foot on the rope, and pulled my big Colt’s. And that dog sat down and looked at me. I tell you he didn’t plead. He just looked. And I saw all kinds of incomprehensible things moving, yes, moving, in those eyes of his. I didn’t really see them move; I thought I saw them, for, as I said before, I guess I only sensed them. And I want to tell you right now that it got beyond me. It was like killing a man, a conscious, brave man who looked calmly into your gun as much as to say, “Who’s afraid?” Then, too, the message seemed so near that, instead of pulling the trigger quick, I stopped to see if I could catch the message. There it was, right before me, glimmering all around in those eyes of his. And then it was too late. I got scared. I was trembly all over, and my stomach generated a nervous palpitation that made me seasick. I just sat down and looked at that dog, and he looked at me, till I thought I was going crazy. Do you want to know what I did? I threw down the gun and ran back to camp with the fear of God in my heart. Steve laughed at me. But I notice that Steve led Spot into the woods, a week later, for the same purpose, and that Steve came back alone, and a little later Spot drifted back, too.

"That Spot" by Jack London

Use the excerpt from the story “That Spot” to answer the question.

Which sentence provides the most accurate objective summary of this paragraph?

(1 point)

Both Steve and the narrator tried to kill Spot but were unable to, fearing his preternatural intelligence.

When a sled dog refuses to work and eats more than his share, prospectors have few options but to kill the dog.

Spot was a dog who seemed to have an almost human intelligence.

Steve once mocked the narrator for his inability to follow through on a plan.

Spot was a dog who seemed to have an almost human intelligence.