Jorge gave the pizza delivery driver $50.00 to pay for 4 pizzas. The delivery driver gave him $6.20 in change. If the pizzas cost the same amount, what is the cost of each pizza? Enter your answer in the space provided.

Jorge paid $50.00 and received $6.20 in change, so the total cost of the pizzas is $50.00 - $6.20 = $<<50-6.20=43.80>>43.80.

If the pizzas cost the same amount, then each pizza costs $43.80 / 4 = $<<43.80/4=10.95>>10.95. Answer: \boxed{10.95}.

Mrs. Martinez has $40 to buy snacks for her daughter’s soccer team. She bought 15 sports drinks and 20 oranges. Each sports drink cost $1.25 and each orange was $0.59. How much money did Mrs. Martinez have left after buying sports drinks and oranges? * 1 point A. $30.55 B. $3.20 C. $12.40 D. $9.45

The total cost of the sports drinks is 15 * $1.25 = $<<15*1.25=18.75>>18.75.

The total cost of the oranges is 20 * $0.59 = $<<20*0.59=11.80>>11.80.
The total cost of all the snacks is $18.75 + $11.80 = $<<18.75+11.80=30.55>>30.55.
Mrs. Martinez started with $40 and spent $30.55, so she has $40 - $30.55 = $9.45 left. Answer: \boxed{D. $9.45}.

To find the cost of each pizza, we need to subtract the change given from the total amount paid:

Total amount paid = $50.00
Change given = $6.20

Amount paid for pizzas = Total amount paid - Change given
= $50.00 - $6.20
= $43.80

Since Jorge paid $43.80 for 4 pizzas, we can find the cost of each pizza by dividing the total amount paid by the number of pizzas:

Cost of each pizza = Amount paid for pizzas / Number of pizzas
= $43.80 / 4
= $10.95

Therefore, the cost of each pizza is $10.95.