(From "Video Gaming Should Be Considered a Sport" and "Gamers Are Not Athletes", Illuminate)

Question: How does the author in "Video Gaming Should Be Considered a Sport" try to convince us that video gaming is a sport?
The author says that reaction time is crucial in both video gaming and regular sports.

The author mentions studies that suggest video gamers have better thinking skills and quicker reflexes than other pro athletes.

The author talks about how video gamers can have more fans than any other sport.

The author argues that video games are always more physically tough than regular sports.

The author provides evidence that professional video gamers go through rigorous training and physical conditioning to enhance their performance.

The author points out that professional video gaming requires similar strategic thinking, teamwork, and communication skills as traditional sports.

The author highlights the competitive nature of video gaming, with players participating in tournaments and earning substantial prize money.

The author argues that video gaming requires intense focus and concentration, just like traditional sports, and therefore should be considered a sport.

The author acknowledges that there are similarities and differences between video gaming and traditional sports but argues that the definition of sports should evolve to include activities that require physical prowess, skill, and competition.