An Alien is 5 feet tall. His shadow is 8 feet long. At the same time of the day, a tree's shadow is 32 feet long. What is the height of the tree?

1 point
20 feet
24 feet
29 feet
51 feet

To solve this problem, we can set up a proportion comparing the height of the alien to the height of the tree based on their respective shadow lengths:

Alien's height / Alien's shadow length = Tree's height / Tree's shadow length

Let x represent the height of the tree. The proportion can be written as:

5 / 8 = x / 32

Cross-multiplying, we get:

8x = 5 * 32

8x = 160

Dividing both sides by 8, we find:

x = 20

Therefore, the height of the tree is 20 feet. So the correct answer is:

20 feet.