Write a paragraph of 3 sentences that uses transitions to show a cause and effect relationship between ideas.

One result of the increased use of technology in classrooms is a decline in students' writing abilities. With the majority of assignments now completed online, students are losing valuable opportunities to practice their writing skills. As a consequence, their ability to construct coherent and articulate written arguments is suffering.

a more common one

As a result of the widespread use of social media, people are becoming more isolated and experiencing higher rates of anxiety and depression. Studies have shown that excessive time spent on social media platforms can lead to feelings of loneliness and inadequacy, as individuals compare themselves to curated online personas. Consequently, mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are on the rise in the modern digital age.

like common like a 6th grader wrote it

The increased use of technology in classrooms can have a negative effect on students' writing abilities. Because most assignments are now completed online, students are not getting as much practice with traditional writing skills. This is causing their writing skills to decline over time.

To depict a cause and effect relationship between ideas, you can utilize transitions to add coherence and clarity to your paragraph. For instance, "As a result" can be used to indicate that one idea led to another. "Therefore" is another transition that denotes a cause and effect connection by suggesting a logical consequence. Lastly, "Consequently" is a transition that signifies cause and effect by signaling an outcome that followed a previous occurrence. By incorporating these transitions, you can effectively convey a cause and effect relationship between your ideas in a concise and organized manner.