Use the image to answer the question.

A grid is shown with a rectangle drawn on it. The rectangle is 10 units long and 2 units wide, labeled with 10 and 2 respectively.

Scale factor: 1 box = 6 inches

Maisie needs to convert this scale drawing from a scale factor of 1 box = 6 inches to a scale factor of 1 box = 12 inches. The length in the scale drawing shown is 10 boxes. What will be the length of the boxes in the new drawing?

(1 point)




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The length in the scale drawing shown is 10 boxes. To convert this to a scale factor of 1 box = 12 inches, we can use the proportion:

10 boxes / 6 inches = x boxes / 12 inches

To find x, we can cross multiply:

10 boxes * 12 inches = 6 inches * x boxes

120 inches = 6x

To solve for x, we divide both sides by 6:

20 inches = x

Therefore, the length of the boxes in the new drawing will be 20 inches.

The answer is 20.