The elevation of city A is 80 feet below sea level; the elevation of city C is 16 feet below sea level. The elevation of city D is 1 over 2 of the elevation of city C. Part A: Write an expression to represent the elevation, in feet, of city D. (5 points) Part B: Solve the expression and explain why the answer is negative or positive. (5 points)

Part A: Let's represent the elevation of city C as "C". Since city D is 1/2 of the elevation of city C, the expression that represents the elevation of city D would be: (1/2)*C.

Part B: To solve the expression, we need to substitute the value of city C into the expression. Given that the elevation of city C is 16 feet below sea level, we know that C = -16.
Substituting this value into the expression (1/2)*C, we get: (1/2)*(-16) = -8.

The answer to the expression is negative because both the elevations of cities A and C are below sea level. Since city D is 1/2 of the elevation of city C, it is also below sea level.