Impact of Humans Introduction Portfolio

Monitoring Human Impact on Earth
Now you will apply what you learned about the impact of humans by completing the following tasks for a portfolio:
• Finding two methods for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment
• Using a graphic organizer to write at least three questions and two follow-up questions about your design problem
• Selecting an area of human impact that interests you using the provided links as a starting point
• Designing two methods for monitoring and minimizing the area of impact you selected
• Identifying three or more criteria and three or more constraints for each of your design methods to create a rubric to follow
• Collecting data about the area of impact you selected
• Analyzing your collected data by creating charts/graphs
• Creating a presentation to demonstrate how you can minimize human impact on the environment
When you have finished these tasks, you will turn in the following item:
• A presentation to demonstrate your findings on how you can minimize human impact on the environment

Title: Minimizing Human Impact on the Environment


Human activities have had a detrimental impact on the environment. To mitigate these impacts, it is essential to monitor and minimize our actions. This portfolio aims to explore different methods for monitoring and minimizing human impact on the environment, specifically focusing on an area of interest. The collected data and analysis will be used to create a presentation illustrating strategies to minimize human impact.

Methods for Monitoring and Minimizing Human Impact:

1. Method: Sustainable Energy Sources
- Criteria: Efficiency, Renewable nature, Cost-effectiveness
- Constraints: Infrastructure requirements, Initial investment, Acceptance and adoption

2. Method: Waste Management and Recycling
- Criteria: Reduction of waste generation, Recycling capacity, Environmental impact
- Constraints: Public awareness and participation, Technology and infrastructure, Economic feasibility

Design Problem Questions:

1. How can we effectively monitor and minimize human impact on the environment?
Follow-up questions:
- What are the specific areas of the environment that are most affected by human activity?
- How can we ensure wide-scale adoption and implementation of sustainable practices?

2. What are the potential methods for monitoring and minimizing human impact on the environment?
Follow-up questions:
- What are the key criteria and constraints for each method?
- Are there feasible strategies for overcoming the identified constraints?

Area of Human Impact: Deforestation

Methods for Monitoring and Minimizing Impact:

1. Method: Reforestation and Afforestation
- Criteria: Restoration potential, Biodiversity conservation, Economic viability
- Constraints: Land availability, Stakeholder involvement, Long-term maintenance

2. Method: Sustainable Forestry Practices
- Criteria: Sustainable management, Regeneration capacity, Social benefits
- Constraints: Market demand for sustainably sourced products, Regulatory framework, Community engagement

Data Collection:

Collect data on:
- Extent of deforestation in the selected area
- Species diversity and habitat loss
- Socio-economic factors driving deforestation (e.g., agriculture, logging)

Data Analysis:

Present data using charts/graphs:
- Visualize the trend of deforestation over time
- Compare species diversity before and after deforestation
- Analyze socio-economic factors contributing to deforestation


Create a presentation showcasing the following:
- Background on the impact of deforestation
- Introduction to the two methods for monitoring and minimizing deforestation
- Analysis of collected data
- Implementation strategies for minimizing human impact on deforestation


Minimizing human impact on the environment is a pressing issue that requires diligent monitoring and targeted actions. By implementing sustainable energy sources and efficient waste management, we can reduce our ecological footprint. Similarly, reforestation and sustainable forestry practices can help combat deforestation. This portfolio aims to highlight the importance of these methods and provide valuable insights for minimizing human impact on the environment.