Sanza can pick up 440 pieces of litter in 3 hours, and Francine can pick up 316 pieces of litter in 2 hours. How many pieces of litter can they pick up in 1 hour together? Found your answer to the nearest whole number.

Sanza can pick up 440/3 = <<440/3=146.66666666666666>>146.67 pieces of litter in 1 hour.

Hence, Sanza and Francine can pick up a total of 146.67 + (316/2) = 146.67 + 158 = <<146.67+(316/2)=304.67>>304.67 pieces of litter in 1 hour together.
To the nearest whole number, they can pick up 304.67 = <<305=305>>305 pieces of litter in 1 hour together. Answer: \boxed{305}.