George Washington had a policy of _____ when it came to aiding Britain and France.


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During the ____, thousands marched in protest through the streets of Pittsburgh. They sang revolutionary songs and tarred and feathered tax collectors.

A. Whiskey rebellion
B. Revolutionary War
C. Shay’s rebellion
D. French Revolution

A. Whiskey rebellion

On july 14, 1789 an angry mod stormed the bastille starting the

A. American revolution
B. French Revolution
C. Bolshevik revolution
D. Spanish revolution

B. French Revolution

Which statement could be described as true?

A. Jefferson did not want a strong federal government. He felt that if the federal government became too strong, it would start to take rights away from the states
B. Jefferson would have been for an alliance partnership with England
C. Hamilton did not want a banking system created because it was not “necessary and proper” to the running of the government.
D. Hamilton would not accept the Constitution until a list of rights were agreed upon and protected under a bill of rights

A. Jefferson did not want a strong federal government. He felt that if the federal government became too strong, it would start to take rights away from the states.

Why did John Adam’s not ask for a Deckoffizier war against France?

A. He was worried that congress would not support a war with France.
B. He was against the democratic republicans and did not want to support them in war against France
C. He was not able to decide which side he wanted to support
D. Like Washington, he supported a policy of neutrality and did not want war with France

D. Like Washington, he supported a policy of neutrality and did not want war with France.