Danni races cars at her local racetrack. She drove her red car 400 meters in 5 seconds. If she drives the same car at the same rate, how fast will she be able to complete a race that is 600 meters?(1 point)


200 seconds
40 seconds
7.5 seconds
3.33 seconds

To find out how long it would take for Danni to complete a race that is 600 meters at the same rate, we can use the formula:

speed = distance/time

We know the distance (600 meters) and the speed (400 meters/5 seconds), so we can rearrange the formula to solve for time:

time = distance/speed

time = 600 meters / (400 meters/5 seconds)

Simplifying the expression inside the parentheses:

time = 600 meters / (80 meters/second)

Dividing 600 by 80:

time = 7.5 seconds

Therefore, Danni will be able to complete the 600-meter race in 7.5 seconds. So the correct answer is 7.5 seconds.