Call of the Wild Alternative Portfolio

Need 3 character traits
Use of transition words
Use correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and sentence structure.
Paragraph 2 - How is this character revealed at the beginning of the story?
1. What is the first trait? (1 sentence)
2. How do you know (what do others say about the character? What does the character do? How does the author describe the character? Use evidence from the text to support this trait (2-3 sentences)
3. How does this trait affect the story? (How does this trait help/hurt the character’s relationship with others? Does it help/hurt them personally? Does it get him/her into or out of trouble?) Use evidence from the text to support this trait (2-3 sentences)

The first trait of the character is independence. At the beginning of the story, this trait is revealed through the character's refusal to be tamed or controlled by others. Others describe the character as wild and untamed, and the character actively resists any attempts to domesticate him. The author describes the character as having a fierce and untamed spirit. This trait affects the story by causing conflict between the character and the humans who try to control him. It also leads the character to make decisions based on his own instincts and survival instincts, which sometimes gets him into trouble. For example, his independence leads him to chase a rabbit and get lost in the wilderness, which sets off a series of events that shape the rest of the story.