Use the formula C=2pi to find the radius, r, for a circle with a circumference of 160 centimeters. Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

a) 50.96 cm
b) 28.08 cm
c) 25.48 cm
d) 80.00 cm

When I tried to solve this problem, I never got any of these answers; I got 251.32, approx. Can you show me the correct answer and how you got it? Thanks! :)

Hmmm. Did you wonder why the radius of the circle was bigger than the circumference? That can't be, at least here in Texas.


Yes, that is the equation that I'm using, but it's still not working, I don't understand why.

Multipy 2*PI= 6.28..

divide that into 160
In my head, six into 160 is about 26

Certainly! Let's work through the problem step by step.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where C represents the circumference and r represents the radius.

Given C = 160 centimeters, we can solve for r using the formula C = 2πr.

160 = 2πr

To find the radius, we need to isolate r by dividing both sides of the equation by 2π:

r = 160 / (2π)

Now we can evaluate this expression on a calculator.

Using an approximation of π as 3.14, we have:

r = 160 / (2 * 3.14)

r ≈ 160 / 6.28

r ≈ 25.48

So the radius rounded to the nearest hundredth is 25.48 centimeters.

From the answer choices you provided, option c) 25.48 cm is the correct answer. It seems there might have been a mistake in your calculations leading to the different answer you obtained.