There are 2 types of tickets to attend an awards dinner—silver and gold. The gold tickets are $8 more than the silver. If Patrick bought 10 tickets at each level and spent a total of $140, find the price of each ticket.

Let's say the price of a silver ticket is x.

The price of a gold ticket is x+8.
Patrick bought 10 silver tickets at a total cost of 10*x = 10x dollars.
He also bought 10 gold tickets at a total cost of 10*(x+8)= 10x+80 dollars.
The total cost of the tickets is 10x + 10x + 80 = 140
Combining like terms gives 20x + 80 = 140
Subtracting 80 from both sides gives 20x = 60
Dividing both sides by 20 gives x = 3
A silver ticket costs $<<3=3>>3
A gold ticket costs 3+8 = <<3+8=11>>11. Answer: \boxed{11}.

Kendra is making bread, but the recipe she’s using makes 4 loaves. She only wants to make one loaf. The changed recipe calls for 212 cups of flour and sugar combined. If the original recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar, find the amount of flour (in cups) in the original recipe.