Karah can wash 2 cars every 19 minutes. This relationship is represented by the equation y=9.5x , where x is the number of cars and y is the number of minutes. Identify the constant of proportionality. How long will it take Karah to wash 17 cars?(1 point)%0D%0AThe constant of proportionality is . It will take Karah minutes to wash 17 cars.

The constant of proportionality is 9.5.

To find how long it will take Karah to wash 17 cars, we can plug in 17 for x in the equation y = 9.5x:

y = 9.5 * 17
y = 161.5

Thus, it will take Karah 161.5 minutes to wash 17 cars.

Karah can wash 2 cars every 19 minutes. This relationship is represented by the equation y=9.5x , where x is the number of cars and y is the number of minutes. Identify the constant of proportionality. How long will it take Karah to wash 17 cars? The constant of proportionality is . It will take Karah ----- minutes to wash 17 cars.

The constant of proportionality is 9.5.

To find how long it will take Karah to wash 17 cars, we can plug in 17 for x in the equation y = 9.5x:

y = 9.5 * 17
y = 161.5

Thus, it will take Karah 161.5 minutes to wash 17 cars.

time = k * number of cars

the constant of proportionality is
k = 19 min / 2 cars = 9.5 minutes / car
so for 17 cars
time = 9.5 min /car * 17 cars = 161.5 min (note cars cancels and you are left with minutes)

You are correct. The constant of proportionality in this case is k = 9.5 minutes/car. Plugging in 17 cars into the equation, we get:

time = 9.5 min/car * 17 cars = 161.5 minutes.

So it will take Karah 161.5 minutes to wash 17 cars.

To identify the constant of proportionality, you need to compare the given equation with the given relationship.

The equation y = 9.5x represents the relationship between the number of cars washed (x) and the time taken (y). In this case, the constant of proportionality is the number that multiplies with x to give y.

From the equation y = 9.5x, we can see that the constant of proportionality is 9.5.

To find out how long it will take Karah to wash 17 cars, you can substitute x = 17 into the equation:

y = 9.5x
y = 9.5 * 17
y = 161.5

Therefore, it will take Karah 161.5 minutes to wash 17 cars.